Friday, January 13, 2006

Returning to Tanzania

I am back in the Arusha area! It feels as if I had never left. It took about 31 hours to get here. This time, the trip was a lot more smooth than last time. I had a layover in London and got off in Nairobe from where I took a shuttle bus to Arusha.

I am staying in a center run by a catholic church. I am sure that would give my parents some peace of mind as you really can't find any place safer than that. My housemate who is a hair dresser. She is also an ex-volunteer who decided to set up her own non-profit organization for fund-raising. She has returned to Tengeru with the funding to build a new orphanage and help with AIDS education.

I was invited to a friend's house for dinner last night. The green curry vegetable was delicious. Everything was made from scratch (well, except the curry) and cooked outdoors with charcoal.

"Welcome back to Africa!" I said to myself as we had dinner by the bonfire that we set up in the garden under the full moon.


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