Friday, January 06, 2006

Photos of Tanzania

Finally I had the chance to upload the pictures (See the link on the side panel or the title of this posting) I took in Tanzania. It brought back a lot of memories... like pushing the car every morning to get it started, relaxing by the beautiful Duluti Lake near the house, the safari trips to Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Myanara. I am not an animal person but going to the national parks was such an experience. It's as if I were in Jarassic Park. I felt invisible as the animnals peacefully wandering around the parks without paying any attention to us. The tranquility made me feel emotional.

I finally finished the first round of fundraising which gives us half of the money the Maasai women's goat project needs. Lema, our local contact, has been doing some undercover investigations for us to verify the qualifications or poverty levels of the members of the women's group. I learned so much about volunteer work in the last 2 months. Simply wanting to help is not enough. How to define the needs, creating self-sustaining solutions and execute the project in a way that avoids or minimize waste or abuse are all important to deliver help effectively.

Of course, the support of friends and families is also indispensable, especially during fundraising. One of the checks came from Justin who has been working hard to get his own business going for the last 2 years. Arbin reached out to her friends to help with the fundraising efforts. Others stretched their pocket books during Christmas gift-shopping season when money was already tight. Tony, Beebee, Shirley and many friends helped research online for me on water filtering and soap making. It put me on the receiving end while I was trying to give others support. Right now I feel just like the people I am trying to help - so full of hope.


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